Friday, April 9, 2010

Week Six of house building

Last week was Holy Week which was a bit of a holiday so not very much got done, except... well Grace wants a fish pond, she got the workers to dig it out to a depth of about 4 feet, she said. If you look at the picture of her in the pond, you can see it is nearer five feet! Probably going to keep a shark there.

Now this week, we went to Dolly's graduation, pictures at

So we were away 2 days. In those two days the walls of the west wing have risen, so now you can see our bedroom etc.

Pictures now uploaded at

Next week the roof trusses should be on! Wowee!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

New cocktail

I mixed a new cocktail last night, decided to call it a Caliraya Sunset, recipe follows:

2 measures golden rum
1 measure rossi vermouth
3/4 msre dry vermouth
1 msre grenadine
1 msre triple sec
dash of angostura
1 measure lime juice
stir in a glass over ice then top up with soda water.

Tasted nice but strong!