Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Teeth and Termites

You may have noticed a "T" theme in the last couple of blogs.  This is quite accidental I assure you.

At the end of last week, we realised we have termites.  They have munched their way through several inches of skirting board near the front door.

We called out an exteminator firm linked to the University of the Philippines, and they are going to place cylinders containing a poison (for termites) in the ground all around the house plus a unit where the infestation occurs and keep the cylinders topped up and monitor the process for 12 months.  The whole thing will cost about £400.  It seems quite a lot, until you think about the amount of damage the little critters could do.  All our doors and doorframes are wood, we have wood furniture, including speaker cases.  The damage could be enormous.

The night before last, while cleaning my teeth, I realised that one tooth had a bit missing, close to the gum line.  Well I haven't been to the dentist for 18 months, possibly 2 years, so my fault.  Anyway off both Grace and I went for an inspection, clean and whatever.  It is always, for me, a very nervous time going to a new dentist - you never know what you are going to get.  But the practice we went to was excellent.  They gave us an appointment the same day.  For me, the dentist cleaned my teeth, using ultrasonic cleaning, and removed the decay and restored the tooth that had the bit missing.  She also identified two or three others that are likely to go the same way so I am going back on Thursday to have those restored.  

Meanwhile, for Grace, they have identified a problem at the back of her jaw where she had 2 teeth removed 15 years ago.  So now they are going to give her a fixed bridge there.  The temporary crowns for her go in on Thursday too.

The cost was very reasonable.  For both inspections, cleanings, my restoration and the temporary crown for Grace, I paid  3000 peso, about £39 in total.

The only thing that phased me was in the dental surgery, you had the chair/recliner, the bright light, the device that gives you the rinsing liquid, all standard, plus a TV tuned into some local drama series.  While the dentist was cleaning my teeth she kept looking at the TV to keep abreast of the plot!  Apparently the other dentist, who was treating Grace, had the same set up!

Its just something I am going to have to get used to, I know!!!

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