Sunday, November 8, 2009

Just So Stories

I have always remebered these fondly from my childhood so couldn't wait to read them to Mary, my great-niece who lives with us. Having finished both original Pooh book and the new Pooh book not having arrived, we embarked on these a few weeks ago.

They are as wonderful as I remember with the proviso that in places they are totally non-PC. "The Ethiopian was a n****r and so his name was Sa**o". "Your children will be so lazy they will be known as the Mal**y people" that was last night's offering.

Perhaps life was just simpler then?

1 comment:

Paws said...

Louisa loved them (and of course wasn't aware of the non-PC-ness at all).

Actually the one with the fisherman she particularly loved, because the description of the tide going past places she'd actually been!

They're simply too good stories not to read.