Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Nothing like a Sunday afternoon stroll

Last Sunday, Valentine's day, Grace decided we would go for a walk. When I say we, there were 13 people involved. Because the walk actually started at the Japenese Garden, the Pajero was crammed full of people for the short drive down there.

We were aiming for a waterfall. It all started well, we went through Japenese Garden, branched off and were walking in fields in a general downwards direction. Japenese Garden is at the top of our mountain so i guess any direction is down. We had a bit of a scramble down a narrow path and after 20 minutes came to a pleasant river.

From Waterfall

We then set off up and down very narrow and muddy paths for a further 45 minutes and finally decided we were lost. Because , on average, there had been more down than up, on the way back to the river there was more up than down, so I was quite tired when we got back there. However we met a lady who told us where we should have gone and so off we set once more. Again we had narrow and muddy tracks, I had the wrong footwear for this, and more down than up until finally we found the waterfall.

From Waterfall

It was definitely worth the effort! Various members of our party swam across and besported themselves in the waterfall, including Annabell and Michelle.

From Waterfall

From Waterfall

More pictures can be seen at:

The walk back was a lot of up and not much down and by the time we were getting near to the Jaopenese garden I was puffing like an old grampus, which I probably am anyway!.

Given that we started about 11 and finally got home about 4.30/ 5.00 it was quite an expedition. Oh yes, I got attacked by leeches as well, I think when I was sitting taking the photographs. So there was quite a bit of blood.

Still not everyone can do a jungle trek on Valentine's Day!!

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