Thursday, July 31, 2008

Holiday in Philippines

This posting continues those made in my other blog, Letter from Malaysia, about my daughter's, son-in-law's and granddaughter's holiday with us.

Having arrived in the Philippines, on day one, while Grace was running around with final preparations for the Birthday party, we spent the morning on a boat trip around Lake Caliraya. I had been on one of these before and really enjoyed it. That was in a covered banca boat. However when we arrived at the lake shore it was obvious there was a problem with that boat's engine, which was in pieces on the ground.

We were switched to another boat, a smaller one with no cover and guess who had forgotten his sun screen? Yes, me of course! It was an overcast day so I didn't worry too much but of course the sun came out later on!! And a smaller boat is more uncomfortable, less to sit on and hard planks can be tough after a couple of hours!!

Nevertheless, it was an enjoyable experience.

In the afternoon, Louisa started collecting coconuts...

Then the guys from Smartbro came to repair the internet connection, knocked down during the recent tornado....

and up the mast they had to go.........

Next day was the party, covered in earlier blogs and the next day after that was recovery day!

And Alex had a go at climbing the mast!!

That's as high as he got. Quite high enough for me!
Then on the Monday we went to Lake Taal to look at the volcano.

and take some pictures......

In the afternoon it rained so much the lake disappeared from view completely!!

Tuesday was adventure day for Catherine and Alex. The Mayoress of Cavinti had been at the party and had invited/persuaded/arranged that the two of them would go down to Pagsanhan falls by climbing down the vertical ladders of the gorge wall. We decided Richard, should go with them.

Here they are being put into the safety harness

On picking them up after the descent, going through and behind the waterfall and then rafting back down river, they were soaked!!! But had had a wonderful time.

Here are some pictures of the minor waterfalls just to finish the posting....

Wednesday gets a post to itself!!!

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