Monday, March 15, 2010

Alice in Underland

Last Tuesday we went for some Retail Therapy in Alabang to relieve the stress of house building! As part of this we decided to go to the cinema and we chose Alice in Wonderland starring Johnny Depp.

I was all prepared to be disappointed but actually really enjoyed the film. If you haven’t seen it and think you might do so, beware spoilers ahead! It is not Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland, in fact that story is seen as aback story that happened to Alice when she was a little girl. Alice is now 19 and being proposed to by a chinless wonder from the aristocracy. She runs away, chases the white rabbit, falls down the hole, eats the cake, drinks the bottle to change size so she can use the key to get into the garden (all as in AinW classic). The story then is more based on Through the Looking Glass. There is a war between the Red and White Queens (who are sisters). The Mad Hatter is a leading figure in trying to overthrow the Red queen, but someone, and the prophetic scroll, says it is Alice, has to kill the Jaberwock. All the best characters are there, Tweedledum and Dee, the dormouse, the March hare, the cheshire Cat, he is wonderful, but the Hatter steals the film. It has quite dark moments and I wouldn’t take small child to see it, but if you fancy an adult Alice, go see!!

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